
SPA - Rejuvenation Centers. Organism is able to rejuvenate yourself!

Known, a person's age can be easily determined by the degree of deterioration of the skin. Skin elastic, smooth, pink - a young man. Wrinkled skin, loose, gray, bloodless - an old man. Is not open and that the deterioration of the structure of the skin of the internal organs, too, is not improving. Appear their illness, creaking joints, stroke, heart attack, paralysis of all sorts, weakening, and sometimes loss of mind. More - more. Leather strashneet, the number of internal diseases increases. Seen a direct relationship between the functions of the sagging skin of the body shell and a violation of the vital functions of internal organs. It is at this points theory of aging, which pass the three independent experts and published in one of the leading gerontological publications.
It concluded:

  1. Collapsing over time the skin is the primary cause of aging for the whole organism.
  2. His recovery will be a stimulus to the improvement of the internal environment of the organism, its complete rejuvenation.

That means the skin in the body. This external brain and nervous system of our body's largest organ, 15-20% of body weight. That assessment of the body:

* Ashley Montagu, Touching: The Human Significance of the Skin. It is strange that we should have waited till the middle of the 20th century to pick up on the importance of this tremendously complex organ, the largest organ in the body, which most of us thought was just a covering to prevent us from falling apart! The skin is the external brain and nervous system of the body. It is derived from exactly the same embryological layer as is the internal brain and spinal cord. And both are very closely interrelated. All the messages that this skin receives must go to the internal brain, and the reactions go back to the skin and every other organ of the body. These are not theories, these are observable facts.

And here we are witnessing this very large organ in the body - skin, it's dying, shrinkage, destruction, and shows no concern. For reasons unknown, gerontologists, academics, who are seeking the cause of our aging and death of her skin play a role covering the body case. That is, this body - skin - in  processes of the body for them means nothing. And wear and tear, in their opinion, does not affect the work of the internal organs and systems. And appearing senile inconsistency in their vital functions of the alleged pre-programmed into the genes. Maybe it's because of Gerontology in basic biology of Education and the physiological signals of aging, they simply do not notice, knowing (!?), that the reason is hidden in the depths of the microcosm? Situation may be compared with that described in the fable, when the museum visitor fascinated scrutiny flies and beetles did not notice the elephant standing in the hall. And because our aging with you, because of misunderstanding, served them as an unavoidable, inevitable and irreversible - the course of the biological clock, they say, do not stop! And because a fatal end inexorably approaching. Death begins at birth! So, they say, nature intended! Horror films from science. But already decoded the genome of an organism. Not found in him the genes of aging! And "Further interpretation" genome "is not economically sensible." Continue to look for - just wasting time, money and people can still be saved!

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** MED-MEDIA NEWS. The human genome deciphered until the end! Program "Human Genome" is completed. Researchers are now known for virtually the entire human genetic code, and its further interpretation, they say, is not economically sensible, reports BBC News.

Not found the program mandatory aging. Way, we can say is free - "min" No! And that means it's not so scary - you can return the body of his young aged properties! And the phrase "biology of aging" with regard to the human body is still appropriate to change the "physiology of aging." Unicellular organisms and humans - disparate scales, different device. Mechanisms of regeneration of the body is strong enough to not only heal the external and internal injuries, broken bones, torn skin, muscle and bone to develop a system already in advanced age - Igor Goldman, 70 + years, the champion of Russia and the world for raising the bar. But they are also able, hopefully, restore and develop the worn from time to time, izrabotannuyu skin, as well as they develop their muscular system, if they are, however, help in this. In what may be this help? In the regular artificial stimulation of the mechanisms of skin regeneration! By resorting to this technique in the sport during the development of the muscular system, mental abilities. Techniques are different but the result is - is the development of structures of trainees, to improve their functions. This was confirmed by medicine, sports, life. The principle of the mechanisms of regeneration, presumably, one for all living tissue, internal or external: whether it is muscle, bone tissue or skin tissue. Specialists in skin (dermatologists, physical therapists, beauticians), in alliance with the doctors on the internal organs and even certain there will probably already know the correct approach to the skin when the mechanisms of regeneration actively earn and replace the old structure of the skin on the young, fill it with fresh blood vessels, revive its nerve fibers, nerve centers, and the skin of the wrinkled and gray turn into a rosy, resilient - the young! Spa center and spa are ideal for these anti-aging treatments. This is a different kind of bath (milk, honey, pine, flower, beer), rejuvenating mud massages with different anti-aging creams and cosmetics, aromatherapy, and everything else that will boost the regenerative processes of skin. Skin rejuvenate. Mechanisms of regeneration are extremely high. To a great age, they heal on their own various external skin wounds. If they still help in their recovery efforts, artificially stimulating their activity and feeding their energy massage creams, skin is completely re-establish its pre-programmed youth structure and function. Rejuvenate itself and the entire aged organism. One month of daily anti-aging procedures in a hospital under the supervision of doctors in the hospital really rejuvenate old body for 5-10 years. Lift to work, gentlemen. Delays after fatal!

Can someone, gentlemen, to say that this is impossible, nevyponimo? Already, they say, was checked - not rejuvenated skin! Someone's not, but someone - Yes! Hair restored in the decades to bald areas of the head! What is already talking about the resilience of the skin itself. From a specialist, you will agree, a lot depends. Maybe someone will say: and rejuvenated skin and internal organs still grow old, do not rejuvenate, people still died of old age! Not true! And the thing is sacred, not Bureaucratic no "mailbox" - saving people from certain until death - ourselves, the parents who still live, relatives, friends, our children! And the yard is already the third millennium, ladies and gentlemen! Nuclear energy, space assimilates Collider build, transplant organs, and grow old and die from this, as thousands of years. Not there looking for! Drill deeper, and gold on the surface nearby. Not by chance because the people have noticed that the casket sometimes just called! Is it not your star in the business hour, gentlemen? There is a theoretical justification. A theory, as we know, the compass practice. And right on the broad advertising! Go ahead, ladies and gentlemen, start to build a real rejuvenation of the industry! People are happy to suffer you money, but life and youth they return! It is now in your power! Which require clarification on the theory of aging - at your service! We are pleased to explain and free. In some ways maybe I'm wrong. Correct yourself.


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