
Laser Hair Removal

What is laser hair removal?

The basis of laser hair removal is selective photothermolysis system, which allows the beam to heat only the dark target hair follicles, without affecting the skin itself. Due to continuing development of laser technology, the procedure can be done year round, no matter the skin color and hair. Over the past 10 years, since the advent of laser hair removal, this effective and painless way to permanent hair removal has become a very popular worldwide.
The advantages of laser hair removal with laser Nd: Yag new generation

* The possibility of producing procedures on tanned skin

* Individual selection of modes according to skin type, color and depth of hair follicles

* Thanks to the gold tip is cooled during the procedure that ensures its painless.

Disadvantages of Laser Hair Removal

Of course, like any other technique, the laser hair removal has its disadvantages, but they all boil down to just one simple rule: trust your appearance to professionals. Neglect of the master can lead to consequences such as burns, irritations, and hypopigmentation (white points).

At present, very great popularity acquired laser hair removal. To date, the most common hair removal method is laser hair removal Brooklyn, clinic Ana Cosmo. The coat is removed with a laser beam aimed at the skin at the site of hair growth. Hair removal by laser is very effective and safest method of hair removal in different parts of face and body, except nose and inside ears. Especially popular with women using laser hair removal on upper lip. Quite often performed epilation cheeks, chin and area between the eyebrows (for this procedure, use special goggles to avoid eye damage), temples, armpits, legs and bikini zone. This technology can be applied to both men and women. The procedure itself is virtually painless and has minimal risk of complications.

It should be noted that the hair removal laser beam affects only the mature hair and its matrix. The hair shaft becomes a conductor laser energy aimed at the destruction of the matrix. This means that after one procedure removes only the hair that are in the stage of active growth. Hair can be skipped by laser, if he was just starting to grow. Therefore, laser hair removal is carried out rates. One course from three to five treatments. Breaks between the courses depend on the individual hair. The duration of the procedure depends on the site where hair removal is performed: removal of hair on her upper lip - 10 minutes, waxing legs - up to 2 hours, waxing bikini zone - up to 30 minutes. Even after one treatment thinning hair and heavily thinned, so that for some patients, that is enough.

Lasers used in hair removal, differ in wavelength of light emitted, the radiation energy pulses. They are designed to heat the follicle and not the surrounding tissue. At this time, there are the following types of lasers: alexandrite, neodymium, ruby, diode.


John said...

Laser hair removing is the advance and the best way of removing the unwanted hair from the body. It is easy and permanent solution of hair removing.

Sleek Surgical Boston

Cybelle Johnson said...

As these laser hair removal treatments are becoming increasingly popular for women we understand the importance of safe, effective, comfortable and permanent hair reduction for this delicate area.

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