Known, a person's age can be easily determined by the degree of deterioration of the skin. Skin elastic, smooth, pink - a young man. Wrinkled skin, loose, gray, bloodless - an old man. Is not open and that the deterioration of the structure of the skin of the internal organs, too, is not improving. Appear their illness, creaking joints, stroke, heart attack, paralysis of all sorts, weakening, and sometimes loss of mind. More - more. Leather strashneet, the number of internal diseases increases. Seen a direct relationship between the functions of the sagging skin of the body shell and a violation of the vital functions of internal organs. It is at this points theory of aging, which pass the three independent experts and published in one of the leading gerontological publications.
Nowadays we often hear such a trendy express as spa. Still, does everyone know for sure the value of this word? In the last century growth of the SPA has laid the foundation for the future, becoming a chief in the beauty industriousness in the 21st century. Fantasies about the SPA-center as a spot where the service is seemed as to come to a cafe or theater to enjoy a rest after a few days of life in a hostile atmosphere of metropolis, according to analysts, will become a reality within 10 years.
Laser Hair Removal
What is laser hair removal?
The basis of laser hair removal is selective photothermolysis system, which allows the beam to heat only the dark target hair follicles, without affecting the skin itself. Due to continuing development of laser technology, the procedure can be done year round, no matter the skin color and hair. Over the past 10 years, since the advent of laser hair removal, this effective and painless way to permanent hair removal has become a very popular worldwide.
The advantages of laser hair removal with laser Nd: Yag new generation
* The possibility of producing procedures on tanned skin
* Individual selection of modes according to skin type, color and depth of hair follicles
* Thanks to the gold tip is cooled during the procedure that ensures its painless.
The basis of laser hair removal is selective photothermolysis system, which allows the beam to heat only the dark target hair follicles, without affecting the skin itself. Due to continuing development of laser technology, the procedure can be done year round, no matter the skin color and hair. Over the past 10 years, since the advent of laser hair removal, this effective and painless way to permanent hair removal has become a very popular worldwide.
The advantages of laser hair removal with laser Nd: Yag new generation
* The possibility of producing procedures on tanned skin
* Individual selection of modes according to skin type, color and depth of hair follicles
* Thanks to the gold tip is cooled during the procedure that ensures its painless.
Laser Hair Removal